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Community notices 9th Oct 2019

PROLOGUE:  Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. It’s a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I’ll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored away, just for this time in my life.”
Author Unknown

WEDDING WISHES:   Congratulations to Rebecca Curtin and Michael Collins who celebrated the  Sacrament of Marriage here in Abbeyfeale  on Saturday, October 5.  We wish them every happiness in their married life .

NIGHT AT THE OSKARS:  The Board of St. Ita’s Sheltered Housing are planning to launch a major fundraising campaign shortly.  It is hoped to hold a public meeting to recruit volunteers from the community to make a series of short films which will then be voted upon at an awards ceremony based on the Oscar ceremonies in Los Angeles.  Details will follow on how you can get involved and help protect the future of the invaluable service that is St . Ita’s Day Care Centre and Sheltered Housing.

GARY MCMAHON TRADITIONAL SINGING FESTIVAL:  The 11th Annual Festival takes place in Abbeyfeale over the weekend of October 18-20.

WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY:  Thursday, October 10.

FUINNEAMH AT THE GLÓRACH: Local trad group Fuinneamh based here in North Kerry/West Limerick played to a packed audience last weekend in the Glórach .  It was generally agreed that they were brilliant.

FR. CASEY’S CARD GAME:  Cards resuming on Friday night next in GAA Clubhouse @ 9pm.

MARY Mc ARTHUR’S FUNDRAISER:  The American style Tea Party held in Fr. Casey’s GAA in aid of The Breast Cancer & Chemotherapy units has raised €1,100 so far. Thanks to everyone who supported the event in any to make it the success it was. If you missed the night and wish to donate, please contact me on 0876377310.

.COFFEE MORNING AT SUE RYDERS;  A coffee morning in aid of Breast Cancer Ireland will take place at Sue Ryder’s  Main Street next Friday, October 11 from 10 – 1pm.  Your support would be most welcome.

SALE OF PRODUCE:  As Pope Francis has designated October an Extraordinary Month of Mission there will be a sale of home baking, vegetables and jams after the two Sunday Masses on Sunday, October 13 with proceeds being shared between an orphanage in India in the diocese that our curate Fr. Shoji comes from and Fr. Tim Galvin’s Mission in South Sudan.

ABBEYSIDE PLAYERS:  New members welcome.  Contact Merce on 087 2053051.  Rehearsals of Frank Carney’s The Righteous are Bold will commence shortly.

WEST LIMERICK TOASTMASTERS:  Develop your speaking skills and your self confidence at West Limerick Toastmasters.  First and third Wednesday of the month September – June in the Desmond Complex from 8 – 10pm.  New members welcome.  Contact Charles 087 7972855.

VARIETY CONCERT:  A variety concert will take place in Raheenagh Hall on Friday, October 18 headlined by members of the Kilfenora Ceili Band, Emma Marie Dwyer, Frances Kennedy and members of the local Comhaltas group.  Doors open 7.30pm, Show starts 8.30pm.  Admission €10.

JOSEPHINE’S SET DANCING CLASSES:  Autumn has arrived and set dancing classes at Fr. Casey’s have started on Wednesday nights with Josephine.   8pm for beginners followed by F at 8.45pm.  Contact 0879267037.
MONSTER BINGO IN RAHEENAGH HALL:  Wednesday, October 23.  Starts 8.30pm.  €2000 in prizes.

CHRISTMAS NEWSLETTER:  Articles and photos are invited to [email protected] before November 20 for inclusion in the Christmas newsletter.

SCHOOL OF MUSIC AND DRAMA:  Sephira School of Music and Drama has opened on Main St .  All ages are welcome.  Contact Ruth Joyce on 085 2052384 /[email protected] or look them up on Facebook.

DROMTRASNA CHALLENGE 2019:  Dromtrasna Challenge 2019 in aid of Milford Care Centre and St. Ita’s Day Care Centre Abbeyfeale takes place on Saturday, October 19. The event consists of a 2K Kids Run, 4K Walk, 5K and 10K chip timed runs.  For further information  and online registration visit www.dromtrasnachallenge.com We will hold a registration evening on Thursday, October  10 from 7 –  8pm at Dromtrasna National School to facilitate those that do not have online access.

READING GROUP:  St. Ita’s Reading Group will meet in the Adoration Chapel on Wednesday October 9 at  10.30p.m. All welcome.

SAVE THE DATE:  Micheal English will perform a concert with a Christmas theme on Friday, December 6 in the Church of the Assumption, Abbeyfeale. Tickets on sale shortly.

AMERICAN TEA PARTY IN ROCKCHAPEL:  The annual tea party will take place in Rockchapel Community Centre on Friday, October 18.  A hot meal will be served at 9pm sharp.  A great night of music, dancing, fun and craic with the one and only Jerry McCarthy and Autumn Gold. If interested please ring Breeda O’Callaghan to book your tickets. Tickets are €20. Your support is very much appreciated.

ABBEYFEALE BOOK CLUB:  St. Ita’s Hall, the second Wednesday of each month  September – June  from 7.30 -9pm.   All welcome.  Refreshments served.

THE IRISH CANCER SOCIETY is looking for volunteers to drive patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments in all public hospitals nationwide. Volunteers will need their own car but all expenses are paid. If you have 2 free days a month (Monday – Friday) and an active email address we would love to hear from you. Please call Laura on 01 2310 594, email [email protected] or go to www.cancer.ie for more information.

SICAP ABBEYFEALE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

WEST LIMERICK SINGING CLUB: The club meet on the first Friday of each month in Philip Enrights, The Ramble Inn,  Church Street from 9pm.

FR. CASEY’S SPIN AND WIN RESULTS:  Tina Fitz – €55, John Riordan (Yearly) – €75

Gearóid Collins – €50.The jackpot is now €2,800 and the draw takes place at the clubhouse Monday, October 13 at 9:15pm. The spinners are as follows:  Maurice O’Riordan, Pat Curtin, Helen Murphy.  Results of the Spin and Win are also available on Facebook and Twitter. Please note that as an alternative to purchasing the weekly tickets, you can also purchase a yearly ticket for a once off €100 payment or you can also setup a direct debit of €8.33 a month. How do you purchase a yearly ticket? Simply contact any committee member and they will gladly assist.

SUICIDE PREVENTION MEETING:  Connecting for Life Mid-West  Suicide Prevention Seminar will take place in the Longcourt House Hotel,  Newcastle West on Thursday, October 24 from 7-9pm. Information contact Ciara Dempsey ( resource Officer for Suicide Prevention, Limerick  [email protected] or 061/461262.

SET DANCE CLASSES:  Set dancing with Timmy Woulfe has commenced on Monday nights in the Marian Hall, Moyvane at 8pm.  Individual attention will be given where required.

UPCOMING CEILI’S IN TOURNAFULLA: Friday, November 8 with Taylor’s Cross.  9.30pm – 12.30am.  Refreshments served.  Admission €10.  Raffle.


FIRST FRIDAY REFLECTIONS WITH FR.  SHOJI:  On the First Friday of each month, Fr Shoji will lead an hour of Praise and Worship in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel beginning at 9am.

HARNETT MAGAZINE:  Some Harnett Reunion magazines are still available at Ann Lyons Shop and from James Harnett, also the final items of Harnett merchandise are available at Heavenly Gifts.

COMMUNITY ALERT: Christmas Lunch Sunday, November 24, four course lunch, dancing to Paddy Quilligan €20.  Now that the winter is on the way check your personal alarm is working by pressing it and engaging with the monitoring service – that’s what you are paying the yearly monitoring fee for.  Make sure outside lights and smoke alarm are in order. When using your credit card in a shop or at an ATM shield your pin number as you key it in.  Be wary of being distracted and if you are and your card goes missing notify the bank immediately.  If you write a cheque cross it ‘a/c payee only’.  If you go on holiday post no pictures on social media until you’re home because there is a clause in most insurance policies now ( in the small print ) that you cannot notify the criminal that your house is empty and waiting for them to call.  Invest in a house alarm too so that when the area is being cased the sight of an alarm does tend to make them go further.   Wear Hi Viz jacket when walking – no load to carry and could save your life as drivers are being blinded by the low sun. Once you reach the age of 65 and live alone or with a person/s aged over 65 you are entitled to receive a monitored alarm system. But if you have younger people living in the house who are out for long periods of the day then because you are spending hours alone you are also entitled to the system provided that you are over 65.  The free equipment is provided by Pobal following an application from Abbeyfeale Community Alert, there will be a monitoring fee to be paid from the second year of installation to the installing company of €72.  Please note that this fee has increased by €6 and is payable in a lump sum each year after year one.  Should you not have a landline the installing company Task provide a sim card at a rate of €7.50 per month payable from day one.  Committee members are Sean Broderick, Michael O’Kelly N.T., Seamus Stack, Mossie Gleeson, Kathleen Collins, Mary McArthur, Buddy and Brenda Barry, John O’Sullivan, Billy Quirke N.T., Cllr. Francis Foley, Mary Jo O’Connell, James Joy, Denis Collins, Marian Harnett.

HELPLINE FOR MEN SUFFERING DOMESTIC ABUSE:  A new helpline has been set up and will operate 36 hours a week on 1800816588.

GROW COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH MOVEMENT IN IRELAND.   Meet on Wednesday’s at 8pm in the Seanchaí Centre, Listowel. This programme is open to all and is free of charge. No introductions needed. Just come along. For more information, contact Jerry, 086 0271990.

MASS TIMES IN THE PASTORAL AREA UNIT:  Abbeyfeale – Saturday 6e.30pm   and    Sunday   9.15am & 12noon.    Athea -   Saturday 7.30pm and Sunday 10.30am. Mountcollins   – Sunday 11am.  Templeglantine – Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.00 am.  Tournafulla    -   Saturday 7.30pm.

ABBEYFEALE PARISH CHURCH:  Fr Tony Mullins PP 087/2600414.  Fr Brendan Duggan 087/0562674. Fr Denis Mullane 087/2621911. Fr Shoji Vargihese      089/4431922 Parish Church 068/51915. Parish Office; Open 11:00 – 1:00 p.m. Tues. – Fri. (068) 31133    Email: [email protected]   Limerick Social Services:  061-314111.    AA    061/311222 Al-Anon 086/8143425. Parent Support worker 068/31019.  Accord NCW 069/61000.   Samaritans Freephone 116123 or text 087/2609090 or email [email protected] Aware (Depression & Anxiety) 1980 303 302 National Suicide Helpline (Pieta House) 1800 247 247 Irish Advocacy Network (Peer advocacy in mental health) 01 872 8684 Pieta House (Suicide & self-harm) 01 623 5606 IACP (Counselling & Psychotherapy) 01 230 3536 Shine: (Supporting people effected by mental ill health) 01 860 1620 061 – 412111 or Free phone 1850609090 A.A. 061-311222 A  l-Anon 086-8143425 Bereavement Support: 068 / 31203    068/ 31262    068/51984    St Vincent De Paul    Tel 087/1213560 .  Counselling Appointment    061/314213.  Masses:   No morning Mass Monday, evening Mass at 7pm. Daily Mass 10am Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday except in the event of a funeral when Mass will be at 11am.   Saturday Masses 11am and 6.30pm.  Sunday 9.15am and 12 noon..  Mass Intentions: Thursday 10am   Ellen O’Connor, Knockbrack,      Knocknagoshel   Anniv.      Saturday 11am        Peggy & Pakie Tully and Hennessy &      Downey Families.   6.30pm   Patrick & Kathleen Saunders and deceased  family members, Lower Knocknasna.  Ray Stryker, Kilmanihan .   Mary Anne & Tom Moloney and deceased    family members  The Hill.  Hannah Browne, Knocknasna  Month Mind.  Sunday 9.15am    Teresa  Fitzgerald, Dromtrasna.  Eileen & Timothy O’Donoghue, Ballybehy 12noon   Mai Flynn, Main Street.

JOY OF LOVE IN MARRIAGE: A Marriage Enrichment Weekend offers married couples of all ages in a good relationship private time to rekindle the joy of their love. The next (residential) Weekend  will be held at The Lake Hotel Killarney from 15th -17th Nov. 2019. For info. and to book, visit www.marriageencounter.ie or phone 064-6644319 or 0866095168



APPLICATIONS SOUGHT UNDER BROADBAND CALL:  West Limerick Resources CLG wish to announce a Targeted Call for Innovative Use of Broadband and Broadband Applications. The Targeted Call information session will take place upstairs in Newcastle West Community Centre, Thursday, October 17, at 7.30pm. Deadline for Submission of Expression of Interest is Friday, November 15.  For further information please contact Elaine Dillon, at West Limerick Resources, at [email protected] or 069 66296.

SICAP STRATEGIC PLANNING WORKSHOP FOR SOCIAL ENTERPRISES:  A free introductory level, fully interactive Strategic Planning for Social Enterprises workshop will take place on Tuesday, October 15 and Thursday, October 17 (split over two evenings so must attend both), from 7.30pm – 9.30pm at the Longcourt House Hotel, Newcastle West. The workshops will cover the 4 key stages involved in developing a business plan; overview of strategic planning process, where your organisation is now, where it wants to be, what needs to be done and how to know when you get there. Attendees will learn the tools and techniques that can be used to gather and assess information, how to develop their organisation’s strategic vision, mission and aims and the format of the plan itself. Pre-registration essential by contacting Damien Ahern, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 9042477 or emailing [email protected]

SICAP ADULT ENGLISH CONVERSATION CLUB: West Limerick Resources will run a 6-week English Conversation Club for Adults at the Newcastle West Community Centre, on Wednesday evenings from 7pm – 8:30pm, on October 9, 16, 23, and November 13, 20 and 27.  This Club is free of charge and all nationalities are welcome. Pre-registration essential by contacting Damien, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 9042477.

SOCIAL INCLUSION & COMMUNITY ACTIVATION PROGRAMME (SICAP):  The SICAP initiatives are funded by West Limerick Resources CLG under the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) 2018-2022 which is funded by the Irish Government through the Department of Rural and Community Development and co-funded by the European Social Fund under the Programme  for Employability, Inclusion and Learning (PEIL) 2014-2020.

SICAP RURAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE (RES) / YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE (YES): If you need support job seeking and feel that you are a little lost in deciding what you want to do, then you should contact the RES / YES which offers 1:1 support and career planning around education, training and employment opportunities. To find out more contact 069 61316 / 069 62222, or call in to West Limerick Resources CLG, St Mary’s Road, Newcastle West.  Check out the RES Facebook page for the latest in employment and training opportunities in County Limerick & beyond www.facebook.com/RES-144618922850869/

SICAP LOCAL COMMUNITY GROUPS: West Limerick Resources provides ongoing support to Local Community Groups in the West Limerick area. Should your group require any support, guidance or training contact Damien on 087 9042477.

SICAP SELF EMPLOYMENT SUPPORTS: If you are considering Self Employment and would like to know more about the process involved you should contact our Enterprise Support Officer Brenda Heath 069 66297 or email [email protected]  A series of FREE Enterprise Training Workshops are available covering Steps to Starting Your Business, Book-keeping, Marketing and Health and Safety.

SICAP ABBEYFEALE PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: 11am – 12.30pm every Tuesday and Thursday, St Ita’s Hall. New people always welcome. Contact Mary on 087 9382883.

SICAP EMPLOYER SUPPORTS: If you have potential job opportunities and would like to find out more  about our supports and services or you would like to advertise for FREE in our weekly newsletter please contact Dee, on 069 62222 or email [email protected].  We would love to hear from you.

SOCIAL FARMING: Social Farming is the practice of offering activity on family farms as a form of Social Support service. In Social Farming the farm remains a working farm at its core but invites people to participate in the day to day activities on the farm. Interested farmers & farm families who would like to hear more about Social Farming please contact Rosemary, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 366 3842 or 069 66290.

THE JOBS CLUB:  We work with ‘job ready’ people who seek training and advice on job seeking skills and is open to unemployed people of all ages.  It is a free and confidential service to help you plan, actively seek and secure realistic work opportunities by providing individual or group support and guidance sessions in all areas relating to looking for a job, particularly the preparation of CV’s, cover letters and interview techniques.  We run weekly workshops on job-seeking skills (2 mornings). The Jobs Club is funded and contracted by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.  For further information please contact Helen, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 069 77664/0871472330 or [email protected]

BACK2NEW COMMUNITY UPCYCLING / RE-DESIGNED FURNITURE:  Are you spring cleaning your home or workplace?  We are currently looking for sound items of office & home furniture; large shelving units, large desks, under desk storage, storage cabinets, occasional tables, plant pots, garden benches, garden chairs, coat stands. Quirky items are welcome. Our re-designed and re-purposed furniture/community retail store is open every Monday (9.30-1.30pm), Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday (9.30am-5.30pm) at The Weigh House, Market Yard, Newcastle West. We also provide a re-design service. For further information, please contact Michaela Donegan, at West Limerick Resources CLG, on 087 2727742.

ARIES:   Advancing Recovery in Ireland Education Service serving the Mid West region. If you have an interest in mental health, well-being and recovery, please  make a note of  our free workshops in St. Ita’s Community Hall, Convent St., Abbeyfeale, on Thursday 28th November  and 5th December from 2pm – 5pm. To book a place contact Mike O’Neill on 085-8768517 or at [email protected]. For more information visit www.hse.ie/mwaries

RAMBLING HOUSES:   Monagae 2nd. Monday of the month.   Knockalougha, Duagh on the third Tuesday of every month.

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