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Community notices 17th June 2021

PROLOGUE: The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.

DEATHS:  We offer our sincere sympathies to P. J. Harnett, Bridge St. on the death of his father in law Jeffrey Bradshaw, Lacca East, Kilmorna, to Marie Sweeney, Killarney Road on the death of her sister Margaret Holt nee Tuohy in Swindon, to Maureen and Micheal and extended family on the death of D.P. Woulfe, Bridge Street and to Margaret Horgan, Springmount on the death of her mother Mary Howard, Tralee.  May they rest in peace.

CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES:  Huge good wishes to our former parish priest, Canon John O’Shea who is celebrating 50 years in the priesthood.  We loved him here in Abbeyfeale for the 14 years he was with us and thank God for the work he did here.  He was interviewed by the Bishop ( the same man who moved him ),there is a video on FB on the Limerick Diocesan page and I have it shared to the Abbeyfeale Community page.  In the video Fr. John remembers his years as a priest and speaks fondly of his time here.  We wish him health and happiness and many more years of ministry.

NOONAN’S CHRISTMAS LIGHTS:  Tony Noonan was in touch with the great news that despite Covid and the lockdown Noonans Lights still raised € 9,872. 00 for charity in 2020.  Tony, Hannah and Siobhan would especially like to thank all the National schools for their welcome and their contributions.  They’re planning to be back bigger and better than ever in 2021.

GLÓRACH BINGO:  Glórach was among the first, if not the first, to hold a Sunday Bingo in the GAA Car Park, Abbeyfeale last Sunday.  Drive-In Bingo is one of the few outdoor events that can take place without an upper limit on attendance.  People remained in their vehicles throughout the afternoon, other than when nature dictated otherwise, with the clubhouse remaining closed other than for toilet access.  Although, on-line bingo had been a feature during lock-down, all present agreed that you can’t beat the Real McCoy for fun, frivolity and some folding cash for the lucky winners, of which there were aplenty given that a total €3,150 was paid out to those lucky enough to have their numbers called.

So, cancel all other engagements and turn up this Sunday, June 20 at 2pm to the GAA Car Park in Abbeyfeale to be in with a chance of winning some of the minimum prize money of €3,150.  You won’t get a better offer and IT COULD BE YOU!

JOB SEARCHING: The Rural Employment Service are hosting FREE ‘Tea Break Talks’ on Tuesdays in June speaking to employers & training providers in the following industries:  Retail on June 22, and Administration on June 29. Registration links available on facebook.com/WestLimerickJobs and www.wlr.ie Contact Finn Fitzgerald for further information 087 759 1951.

ST. ITA’S DAY CARE CENTRE: St Ita’s Day Care Centre, Abbeyfeale are now doing Meals on Wheels. If anyone is interested or would like further information please contact Jane/Norma at 068 51850.

NATIONAL CENTRE FOR LITURGY: Keeping The Alive Celebrating and Supporting the Work of Cantors in our Church. The Advisory Committee on Church Music invites you to take part in a Celebration by Zoom on Wednesday, June 16 from 7.30 —8.30 p.m. Included in the Event: Sharing the Experience of Cantors, Input on Repertoire, Copyright, Caring for your Voice. https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/keeping-the-song-alive-the-advisory-committee-on-church-music-tickets-155812189453

CHURCH NEWS:    Fr Tony Mullins 0872600414, Fr Dan Lane (Retired) 087/2533030, Fr Denis Mullane 087/26219.  St Anthony’s Novena each Monday evening during the 7pm Mass. First Communion and Confirmation Message from Bishop Brendan Leahy:  “Regrettably, Confirmation/First Communion ceremonies planned for July 1-4 will have to be rescheduled. Public health advice, as communicated through the Taoiseach’s office, has indicated that First Holy Communions and Confirmations may take place in line with the gradual reopening of society, from 5 July onwards. I appreciate this will come as a great disappointment and inconvenience for many –children, parents, teachers and clergy but I believe we have no option but to follow this public health advice.”  Trocaire Boxes/ donations can still be handed in to the church during Mass times. Thank you for your very generous contribution so far. The amount sent to Trocaire on your behalf was €12, 490.  CHY4 forms Revenue rebate scheme.  We are completing the 2020 Chy4 forms at the moment. Parishioners who received one and are thinking of signing would be greatly appreciated. Post it to Fr Tony.  Last year the parish received over €20,000 from the revenue through this system at no extra cost to the parish.  Sincere thanks to parishioners who continue to support the church through their weekly offerings. Your weekly contributions enable us to keep the parish functioning and we are grateful for that. As well as using the weekly envelopes, parishioners can also use the DONATE button on the parish website www.abbeyfealeparish.ie. An increasing number of parishioners are opting to use this electronic donating system. It is a completely secure and confidential method of supporting the church.  Following another update on the easing of Gov / HSE restrictions around Covid-19, the Church of the Assumption can now accept up to 130 people attending Masses only and  up to 50 attending Weddings and Funerals. Stewards will direct you to hand-sanitising stations and then to your seat. Seats will be clearly marked. Stewards will also direct you to Holy Communion.  For those who wish to stay in their cars in the Church Car Park, Mass will be broadcast on 107fm.  For the time being we are suggesting that people come to Mass just once a week in order to allow everyone in the Parish the chance to attend Mass.  The two metre social distancing rule still applies. The seats will be clearly marked. Three individual people from different households to a seat. Families from the same household may sit together. The stewards will direct you to Holy Communion and at the end of Mass we are asking people to exit the church gradually and safely. Should the church be filled parishioners will be able to hear Mass in the car park through the Car Park Radio. Tune your car radio to 107FM. For Holy Communion we ask you to remain in your car and Holy Communion will be brought to you. The church will need to be cleaned thoroughly after each time that it is used. The cleaning of the building after each Mass is essential to maintain safety and prevent the spread of the virus. Please use sanitiser, available at entrances and exits to the church· Social Distancing must be adhered to at all times and please wear your mask for added safety.   The Church will be divided into ‘pods’ (of no more than 50 persons in each), giving us welcome extra capacity· Each Section has its own entrance / exit route with strictly no movements between ‘pods’,   It is the ‘law of the land’, so please do not exceed or ask for exception. The current Mass schedule will remain in place for the summer months.

Accessibility Statement
Tel : (068) 311 33 | Email : [email protected]
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